Monday, April 18, 2011

Hammad, RRJ3,

Blank, S. M. (2008, March 30). Educational games and learning toys can increase a child's IQ by up to 50 points. Middle East Toys Fair. Retrieved on April 8, 2011 From


Convention: a large meeting of a group of people who are involved in the same type of work or who have similar interests
Tripling: to become three times greater; triple
CEO; A chief executive officer (also abbreviation CEO) of a company is usually the most powerful person in the company, with the most important responsibilities.
Tremendous: great in amount, size, or degree; extremely large
distributors: a person or company that supplies goods to the businesses that sell them
lucrative:producing much money or making a large profit
ultimately: finally; in the end
Conclusive:( of facts, proof, or arguments) ending any doubt or uncertainty about a situation
enhance: to improve the quality, amount, or strength of (something)
nurseries: a place where young children and babies are taken care of while their parents are at work
intake: an act of taking in something, especially breath
estate: a large area of land in the country which is owned by a family or an organization and is often used for growing crops or raising animals
exhibitors: someone who has made or owns something, especially a work of art, shown in an exhibition
spark: a first small event or problem which causes a much worse situation to develop
Innovative: using new methods or ideas
due to : because of
vast: extremely big
stationery: the things needed for writing, such as paper, pens, pencils and envelopes
apparel: clothes of a particular type when they are being sold in a shop
plush: expensive, comfortable and of high quality
Doll: a child's toy in the shape of a small person or baby


According to the writer, educational toys may help to boost the children IQ up to fifty points. In the Middle East, there is a real increase in children's numbers every year which demands expanding and good quality of the toys products to be suitable for the target children. In UAE there are many kindergartens that seek some effective toys to boost and estimate the young children's brains to produce some verbal and communication abilities in an appropriate way. In the past the parents over there were likely careless about the quality of their baby's toys; however, nowadays they have become educated and intellectual thinkers. Recently, the parents in that society, are not careless anymore; they start focusing and scoping on the educational toys; these educational toys may help estimating the hidden abilities of the baby's brain, and encourage him to forge and navigate the normal problems.


It is helpful to be aware of the quality of the baby's toys, but it is hard to believe that you can boost his IQ up to fifty points; however, in my opinion it is more important to know whether these toys help the baby acquire,and boost the abilities eventually or not. I think that in this era, focusing on the educational toys is an inevitable issue, because most scientists have claimed that these toys have a massive influence on the baby, such as helping him get a good retention skill ideally. Especially in Middle East countries, where the number of babies is expanding, the parents should consider these educational toys as a good way to help their children gain knowledge while playing. This way may help the babies to get the acquired abilities before their peers, which may help them to master some skills early and effectively. Although the number of babies,and the number of the kindergartens are expanding, I am still wondering, does BOOSTING your babies IQ issue deserve to be considered as important as in their lives? I think it is good to get an idea about this issue but not give it more attention ,so with my children I will buy them educational toys and let it be up to them, their choice, whether they want to use them or not . I suggest that they play with whatever they wish, because this is what they want.In sum I guess these educational toys may boost you babies IQ, but not that much.


  1. ''I think that, in general science DOES NOT AGREE that you can boost it 50 points; science says, 15 if you'r lucky''. MR.Leverett commented.

  2. I posted the previous comment , Hammad
